Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals Why the iPhone is a Non-Negotiable Tool for BGMI Success 20’s


The Rise of Esports in India: A Player’s Perspective

Do you think esports is easy? Reality check, Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals it’s not. This star BGMI player got candid with ABP Live and revealed the difficulties that esports athletes have to face.

Esports in India is on the upswing, with a flurry of national and international tournaments captivating audiences. A wave of Indian esports players is making waves globally, putting the nation on the gaming map. However, the journey is far from a cakewalk, contrary to the common misconception that gaming is a breeze.

Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Renowned BGMI player Ritesh Nawandar, known as ‘Fierce,’ sheds light on the challenges esports athletes face—both in climbing the ranks and navigating life beyond the screen.

Fierce boasts a substantial YouTube following of over 65,000 and currently represents Revenant esports. His prowess in the game has earned him titles such as Top Fragger in the LOCO Diwali Battle: Grand Finals and the MVP at the Skyesports Championship 5.0.

Q. How are the esports tournaments going for you? How are you scoring a win there? Any particular strategy or routine that you follow? Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Fierce: The tournaments are progressing well, with Chicken Dinners under our belt. However, winning a tournament is challenging amid a current team down phase. We are strategically preparing for a turnaround. Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Q. How do you look after your physical health, especially with the number of hours that you have to put in the game and the screen time that you have to endure to make yourself tournament-ready?

Fierce: I’m not overly focused on physical health, but a team member hits the gym regularly. My primary focus is on the game itself. Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Q. When it comes to balancing the lifestyle, do you feel that gaming – particularly competitive gaming – offers up any emotional advantage or disadvantage to your lifestyle as an athlete? Let’s say you have a big win or a loss or a tough day of training, does it have any after-effects on the rest of your day or the people around you?

Fierce: I try to keep gaming and personal life separate, though a major setback in gaming can affect my personal life. I make an effort to minimize this impact, giving ample time to my family. Accepting defeat without letting it linger throughout the day is crucial. Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Q. Does the frustration of losing a match or a tournament also last for a long time in your head? Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Fierce: Yes, it does linger at times. After our elimination in the Master series, we faced a setback, being in the bottom four teams. However, dwelling on it for too long hampers our gameplay. As athletes, we must accept defeats and focus on improvement.

Q. What in-game skill do you think is the hardest to master?

Fierce: ‘Game-sense’ is, in my opinion, the most challenging to master. It requires a deep understanding of tactics in various in-game scenarios. Experience plays a crucial role, and even with extensive training, real-match experience is irreplaceable. Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Q. Could you please elaborate a bit as to what exactly you are referring to when you say ‘Game-sense’?

Fierce: Game-sense involves understanding when to apply specific tactics during the game—knowing when to retreat, when to engage in a fight, and effectively communicating with teammates. A small mistake in game-sense can have significant consequences for the entire team. Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

Q. What do you feel is the best way to improve with someone that has pro-potential? Say they already have the basics, they are already solid on mechanics, but they are not quite at the pro level. Is there a trend, something you normally see, or something you normally recommend for those people to work towards the pro level?

Fierce: For aspiring players, forming a team and participating in Scrims, along with focusing on Krafton’s BGMI tournaments, is crucial. Informing family about professional pursuits early on prevents potential restrictions. Personally, I closely followed top players, learning from their gameplay. Fierce Pro Gamer Reveals

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