Your iPhone May Not Be Compatible With The Samsung Galaxy Ring: Report Best Galaxy Ring 2024

Samsung Galaxy Ring
Samsung Galaxy Ring

According to Hon. Pak, vice president of Samsung, the next Galaxy Ring will not work with iPhones.

Samsung Galaxy Ring Samsung Vice President Hon. Pak recently made a remarkable announcement at a MWC roundtable discussion: the next Galaxy Ring would not work with iPhones. Samsung’s strategic posture in the mobile market is reflected in this hard stance. In response to the question of Android/iOS interoperability, Pak emphasized Samsung’s faith in the Galaxy Ring and the similar status of Samsung and Apple products.

Samsung Galaxy Ring

He presented convincing arguments for why customers should think about switching to Samsung’s ecosystem. In addition, Pak disclosed that Samsung is always working to integrate its phones with other Android devices.

The Galaxy Ring is expected to come in a range of sizes, with smaller models sporting a 14 mAh battery and larger models sporting a 21.5 mAh battery. With these specs, an amazing battery life of five to nine days is anticipated.

Samsung Galaxy Ring

Although the Galaxy Ring’s exact release date is still unknown, rumors suggest that it will be unveiled during the Unpacked event in July along with the Galaxy Z Fold6 and Z Flip6.

Features & Specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Ring
One of Samsung’s standout features is the ‘My Vitality Score,’ a statistic that evaluates overall fitness and activity levels by combining information from heart rate variability, activity levels, and sleep tracking. In addition, the Galaxy Ring will include the ‘Booster Card,’ which is a smartphone app that offers practical guidance to improve workouts day and night.

Samsung Galaxy Ring

With a focus on its small size, the Galaxy Ring seeks to offer a strong substitute for large smartwatches. It addresses issues like the discomfort that comes with perspiration buildup in tropical areas and possible health risks related to wearing watches too tight for prolonged periods of time.

Samsung Galaxy Ring

Samsung’s Galaxy Ring is scheduled to be officially released in July along with the Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Z Fold 6. This wearable technology could be a game-changer.

Based on the announcement made by Samsung Vice President Hon. Pak, it appears that the next Galaxy Ring will not be compatible with iPhones. This stance reflects Samsung’s strategic positioning in the mobile market and its emphasis on promoting its own ecosystem.

Samsung Galaxy Ring

Here are the key points highlighted in the announcement:

  1. Compatibility: The next Galaxy Ring is explicitly stated not to work with iPhones, indicating a focus on Samsung’s ecosystem.
  2. Samsung’s Position: Samsung is positioning itself strongly in the mobile market, emphasizing the similarity between Samsung and Apple products while encouraging customers to consider switching to Samsung’s ecosystem.
  3. Android Interoperability: While the Galaxy Ring won’t work with iPhones, Samsung is committed to integrating its phones with other Android devices, showing a dedication to Android interoperability.
  4. Features and Specifications: The Galaxy Ring is expected to come in various sizes, with different battery capacities, promising impressive battery life ranging from five to nine days. It will introduce features like the ‘My Vitality Score’ and the ‘Booster Card’ app, focusing on fitness tracking and improvement.
  5. Release Date: While the exact release date of the Galaxy Ring is not yet known, rumors suggest it will be unveiled during the Unpacked event in July, alongside the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Z Flip 6.

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Overall, Samsung’s announcement hints at a strong emphasis on its ecosystem and a commitment to offering innovative features with the Galaxy Ring, positioning it as a potential game-changer in wearable technology.


In conclusion, Samsung’s announcement regarding the next Galaxy Ring underscores the company’s strategic focus on its ecosystem and differentiation from competitors like Apple. The decision not to make the Galaxy Ring compatible with iPhones reflects Samsung’s commitment to its own platform and the Android ecosystem. By emphasizing innovative features such as fitness tracking and improved battery life, Samsung aims to position the Galaxy Ring as a compelling option for consumers seeking wearable technology. As the release date approaches, anticipation builds for the Unpacked event in July, where Samsung will unveil the Galaxy Ring alongside other flagship devices, potentially reshaping the landscape of the wearable technology market.


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