Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain: Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain separated, Ankita said- forget that we are married -Bigg Boss 17


Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain Drama Unfolds in Bigg Boss 17

The current season of Bigg Boss 17 is keeping the audience entertained with its twists and turns. The show has witnessed several ups and downs so far, including Salman Khan taking Manara and Khanjadi to task during the Weekend Ka Vaar. On the other hand, Salman didn’t spare the couple Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain either, giving them a stern talking-to.

Bigg Boss 17: Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain Feud

Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain

The Ankita-Vicky duo is no stranger to controversies in the Bigg Boss house. Over the past few days, their relationship has been under scrutiny due to conflicts and disagreements. A viral video on social media captures a heated argument between the two, adding fuel to the ongoing drama.

In a recent Weekend Ka Vaar episode, Salman Khan not only reprimanded Manara and Khanjadi but also gave a piece of his mind to the Ankita-Vicky couple. A promo circulating on social media intensifies the ongoing feud, showing Ankita engaging in unpleasant behavior with Vicky. The clip reveals Vicky responding in kind, leading Salman Khan to reprimand him severely.

Bigg Boss 17 Promo: Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain

Vicky Jain, who was previously staying in the “Heart House,” recently shifted to the “Mind House.” The shift has left Ankita visibly upset, and despite the separation, Vicky seems to be enjoying his time with other contestants in the “Mind House.”

Expressing her discontent, Ankita was confronted by Bigg Boss. During the conversation, Bigg Boss informed her that the person she is upset with is currently enjoying himself there, further escalating Ankita’s frustration.

Later, Vicky approached Ankita to explain the situation. At that moment, Ankita was furious, warning Vicky not to speak to her or face consequences. She accused him of being selfish and foolish, expressing regret over their marriage and declaring their separation.

Salman Khan’s Advice to Vicky and Ankita

In a recent Weekend Ka Vaar, Salman Khan advised Vicky and Ankita to resolve their differences. This is not the first time the couple has faced issues in the Bigg Boss house, and the audience is now eager to see how this ongoing drama will impact their relationship.

The unfolding drama between Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain promises more twists and turns in the upcoming episodes of Bigg Boss 17

Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain


In conclusion, the Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain saga in Bigg Boss 17 is adding significant spice to the current season. The heated conflicts between the couple, coupled with Salman Khan’s stern admonitions, have created a buzz among the audience. As the drama unfolds, viewers eagerly anticipate the impact of these clashes on Ankita and Vicky’s relationship. With emotions running high and tensions escalating, Bigg Boss 17 continues to be a rollercoaster of entertainment, promising more twists and turns in the episodes to come.

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